Industrial research of new technological processes of irrigation water production

Code of the project in TMS2014+: 313022V911

Project location: Bratislava

Tender - code of the tender OPVaI-MH/DP/2018/2.2.2-20

Partner of the project Slovak technical university in Bratislava

Operational programme: Integrated infrastructure

Co-financed by the fund: European Regional Development Fund

Priority axis: 10 Podpora výskumu, vývoja a inovácií v Bratislavskom kraji

Specific objective: 10.3 Rast výskumno-vývojových a inovačných kapacít v priemysle a službách v Bratislavskom kraji

Aid scheme: Schéma štátnej pomoci na podporu inovácií prostredníctvom projektov priemyselného výskumu a experimentálneho vývoja (schéma štátnej pomoci) na dosiahnutie cieľa Projektu.

Project schedule:

Total duration of the main project activities: 36 months
Start of implementation of the main activities of the project: 05/2020
Completion of the main activities of the project: 04/2023

The main goal of the project:

The project has one main activity Industrial research and two primary objectives: 1. Research of technology for the production of irrigation water for farmers from wastewater from the effluent from wastewater treatment plants; 2. Research on the regeneration of phosphorus in waste water as a source of nutrients for agricultural production together with treated irrigation water. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Department of Environmental Engineering of FCHPT STU.

Place of implementation: Nobelova 34, Radlinského 9, Bratislava.

Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 - 2020 can be found at


Code of the project in TMS2014+: 313041Z498

Project location: Bratislava

Tender - code of the tender OPVaI-MH/DP/2018/4.1.1-19

Operational programme: Integrated infrastructure

Co-financed by the fund: European Regional Development Fund

Priority axis: 12 Development of competitive MSP in the Bratislava region

Investment priority: 3d) Supporting the capacity of MSP to grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes

Specific objective: 12.1 Increase in the share of profitable MSP in the Bratislava Region

Aid scheme: Scheme to support the involvement of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in European Union programs (de minimis aid scheme)

Výška poskytnutého NFP: 50 000 EUR

Project schedule:

Total duration of the main project activities: 15 months
Start of implementation of the main activities of the project: 03/2020
Completion of the main activities of the project: 05/2021

The main goal of the project:

The subject of the project is to examine the innovative and technological feasibility and commercial potential of the proposed technology solution for the production of protein concentrate from pseudocereal flours (amaranth, quinoa) based on ultrafiltration.

It is a highly innovative solution in the field of biotechnology with a wide range of applications in food and chemical production.

The aim of the project is to prepare a feasibility study, which will be the basis for EU resources applications under the SME Instrument-2b EIC Pilot (grant and blended finance) in 2020.

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