Chemical emulsions are dissolved fat droplets with a diameter of less than 1 μm. As these emulsions can not be discharged directly into sewers and wastewater treatment plants, they must be separated and subsequently precipitated using chemicals. An ultrafiltration membrane with a specially treated surface separates these emulsified fats and concentrates them into smaller volumes. Our systems are used in either the food industry or the engineering industry, which uses cutting emulsions to process metals.
Engineering industry - regeneration of degreasing fluids
Using our membrane technologies, we remove dissolved fat particles. There is a concentrated emulsion in the concentrate, the disposal of which is remarkably cheaper due to the significantly lower volume. On the other hand, the regenerated liquid passes through the membrane, which is free of fat droplets and can be reused in the process. Liquids that are degraded by chemical emulsions are, for example, degreasing liquids or coolants based on ethylene glycol.

Food industry
In many cases, emulsions degrade process fluids, in this case, it is costly to replace these fluids. Using our membrane technologies, we remove these dissolved fat particles. There is a concentrated emulsion in the concentrate, the disposal of which is remarkably cheaper due to the significantly lower volume. On the other hand, the regenerated liquid passes through the membrane, which is free of fat droplets and can be reused in the process. Liquids that are degraded by chemical emulsions are, for example, degreasing liquids or coolants based on ethylene glycol.

Regeneration of degreasing fluids/anti-freeze mixtures
In many cases, emulsions degrade process fluids, in this case, it is costly to replace these fluids. Using our membrane technologies, we remove these dissolved fat particles. There is a concentrated emulsion in the concentrate, the disposal of which is remarkably cheaper due to the significantly lower volume. On the other hand, the regenerated liquid passes through the membrane, which is free of fat droplets and can be reused in the process. Liquids that are degraded by chemical emulsions are, for example, degreasing liquids or coolants based on ethylene glycol.